"Ordinary people empowered by God making a difference together wherever they are"
Well that sounds simple enough. Christians throughout history have attempted to "make a difference" in the world around them. The Social Gospellers of the 19th century were trying their best to make a difference in America based on their understanding of the words and example of Jesus.
But, the quotation above isn't a century old description of the Social Gospel movement. It's the motto for the PEACE Plan being touted by Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church in California.
Warren identifies what he called the five Global Goliaths:
- Spiritual Emptiness
- Egocentric Leadership
- Extreme Poverty
- Pandemic Diseases
- Illiteracy and lack of education
Warren claims that these problems are so large that every attempt by the public and private sector has failed, and that the only organization big enough to take on these problems is the network of Christian churches around the world.
A strategy for addressing these problems would be to "do what Jesus did", and this intention is translated into the five elements making up the P E A C E acronym. They are:
- P - promote reconciliation
- E - equip servant leaders
- A - assist the poor
- C - care for the sick
- E - educate the next generation
The PEACE Plan movement holds to the following vision:
- God designed us to make a difference in this world and to make an impact with our lives. There’s only one way to do that…by serving others. We can’t serve God without serving others. That’s why Jesus said, “If you want to be great, learn to be the servant of all.” Serving others through the Church of Jesus Christ is what the PEACE Plan is all about, and its reason for being:
According to the website for the movement:
- Jesus’ ministry is the model for our PEACE Plan
- PEACE is partnering with God and being his hands and feet in the world. PEACE is about you and every member of your church, community, or group doing just what Jesus did. He is our model. Jesus didn’t come for the wealthy, the powerful, or the influential—He came for all people. That’s who The PEACE Plan is for—ordinary, average people, who are making a difference in our world.
- We Do the PEACE plan together
The PEACE Plan is not about “qualified” people. God is looking for willing people. When God tells us to do something, He will always give us the ability and the power to do it. The PEACE Plan is committed to moving our thinking from “they” can do it, to “we” can do it by working together, with and through local churches around the world.
The PEACE Plan will mobilize ONE BILLION people around the world in an outreach that addresses the five global giants of our day. Does that sound a bit audacious? Sure. But the PEACE Plan provides a way to share God’s hope, a hope that will not disappoint. The Bible reveals that we can freely offer God's peace to those who've lost all hope. We do this as we follow the example of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
The Giant of Poverty
Poverty keeps billions of people stuck in miserable and hopeless living conditions.
“The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.” Proverbs 29:7
The world is facing continued regional conflicts and unparalleled financial turmoil resulting in unprecedented job losses, massive debt, the loss of homes and for many the very real uncertainty about where their livelihood will come from. Cities and towns, urban and rural, are all facing an uncertain future.
Half the world today--three billion people—live on less than two dollars a day. A billion and a half people live on less than a dollar a day. A billion people in our world live in grinding, dehumanizing poverty.
As the 21st Century dawned, food prices rose and an estimated 1 billion people are hungry, while another 2 billion are undernourished. These people go to bed hungry every night wondering, “will I eat tomorrow?”
For millions of people in the world today, jobs provide little relief from poverty because the pay is so low. Employed people earning less than $1 per person a day have been labeled the ‘working poor.’ In sub-Saharan Africa, over half of the workers fall into this category.
Many women remain outside the education system and labor force due to cultures oppressive to women’s rights. They would work if they were given the opportunity. Work and family responsibilities could be more effective if institutions and culture would allow more training, support structures and job opportunities for women.
“The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.” Proverbs 29:7
The world is facing continued regional conflicts and unparalleled financial turmoil resulting in unprecedented job losses, massive debt, the loss of homes and for many the very real uncertainty about where their livelihood will come from. Cities and towns, urban and rural, are all facing an uncertain future.
Half the world today--three billion people—live on less than two dollars a day. A billion and a half people live on less than a dollar a day. A billion people in our world live in grinding, dehumanizing poverty.
As the 21st Century dawned, food prices rose and an estimated 1 billion people are hungry, while another 2 billion are undernourished. These people go to bed hungry every night wondering, “will I eat tomorrow?”
For millions of people in the world today, jobs provide little relief from poverty because the pay is so low. Employed people earning less than $1 per person a day have been labeled the ‘working poor.’ In sub-Saharan Africa, over half of the workers fall into this category.
Many women remain outside the education system and labor force due to cultures oppressive to women’s rights. They would work if they were given the opportunity. Work and family responsibilities could be more effective if institutions and culture would allow more training, support structures and job opportunities for women.
Rapid urbanization has accelerated the increase in poverty. Slum dwellers, who account for 1 billion of the worldwide urban population, die earlier, experience more hunger and disease, receive less education and have fewer job opportunities.
This is the face of extreme poverty and it is an evil global giant.
Response: Assist the Poor
Poverty is a far bigger problem than simply having no money. We have seen money thrown at problems all over the world with no measurable relief given to those who are suffering. A proven response is to train people in basic job skills that can make a difference in their lives, and in the lives of their communities and families. It’s imperative to teach competent business skills that are vital to sustaining and developing entrepreneurial success.
It’s common for successful members of societies to overlook and ignore the needs of the poor and destitute who can seem so insignificant. The poor are not insignificant to God.
“God blesses those who are kind to the poor. He helps them out of their troubles.” Psalm 41:1
“What God considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering.”James 1:27
It is easy to forget the specialized talents and unique life experiences that many of us have been privileged to develop over time. These often-forgotten treasures of life lessons can be utilized to combat poverty whether initiating a simple idea or instituting a complex blueprint for change.
Together, through PEACE, we can:
• Offer simple encouragement and practical training in basic life skills to lift the poor out of the clutches of poverty
• Present healthy models with good work habits to educate and stimulate the development of successful life skills
• Teach modern techniques in a variety of areas and help others discover what it means to follow through to completion a well-built plan
• Reinforce the importance of integrity in the workplace and how it relates to all of our relationships at work and ensures success in the home
• Share what we have with those who have so little and help them leverage this practical help to bring about their maximized success
“If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord – and he will repay you!” Proverbs 19:17
“Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing; do not close your eyes to poverty.” Proverbs 28:27
Together, through PEACE, we address the giant of poverty by:
• Coordinating the connections between government, business, and the local church
• Empowering opportunities for new storehouses of funds in local churches to specifically address relief needs
• Inspiring the creation of new tools created by regular members of Christian churches in order to develop new economic solutions
• Encouraging training for appropriate micro-credit solutions and poverty assistance through the local church
• Fostering partnerships with organizations that are already working in micro-credit and macro-credit
• Connecting specialty training and coaching in the development of geographic-specific business opportunities
Caring partnerships, coupled with training opportunities and skills development, can slow down the spread of poverty.
Assisting the poor consists of giving our time and skills along with our money.
It’s common for successful members of societies to overlook and ignore the needs of the poor and destitute who can seem so insignificant. The poor are not insignificant to God.
“God blesses those who are kind to the poor. He helps them out of their troubles.” Psalm 41:1
“What God considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering.”James 1:27
It is easy to forget the specialized talents and unique life experiences that many of us have been privileged to develop over time. These often-forgotten treasures of life lessons can be utilized to combat poverty whether initiating a simple idea or instituting a complex blueprint for change.
Together, through PEACE, we can:
• Offer simple encouragement and practical training in basic life skills to lift the poor out of the clutches of poverty
• Present healthy models with good work habits to educate and stimulate the development of successful life skills
• Teach modern techniques in a variety of areas and help others discover what it means to follow through to completion a well-built plan
• Reinforce the importance of integrity in the workplace and how it relates to all of our relationships at work and ensures success in the home
• Share what we have with those who have so little and help them leverage this practical help to bring about their maximized success
“If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord – and he will repay you!” Proverbs 19:17
“Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing; do not close your eyes to poverty.” Proverbs 28:27
Together, through PEACE, we address the giant of poverty by:
• Coordinating the connections between government, business, and the local church
• Empowering opportunities for new storehouses of funds in local churches to specifically address relief needs
• Inspiring the creation of new tools created by regular members of Christian churches in order to develop new economic solutions
• Encouraging training for appropriate micro-credit solutions and poverty assistance through the local church
• Fostering partnerships with organizations that are already working in micro-credit and macro-credit
• Connecting specialty training and coaching in the development of geographic-specific business opportunities
Caring partnerships, coupled with training opportunities and skills development, can slow down the spread of poverty.
Assisting the poor consists of giving our time and skills along with our money.